Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Civilization IV - Hints, Tips and general suggestions Please?

I'm playing Civilization IV now on Noble Level however I am finding it very hard to compete with the computer. More often than not 3-4 nations will declare war on me. From there on in its a down hill battle to a game that I would normally be losing on by points anyway.

Any hints or tips would be appreciated.Civilization IV - Hints, Tips and general suggestions Please?
Try to expand peacefully: give tributes to your neighbours and try to adopt their religion. Keep in mind: it's impossible to maintain good relationships with everyone - so remember, it's always better to fight with distant enemies. Also, don't trade open borders with anyone, it helps keep opponents' armies away.

Build armies. Build barracks as early as you can. Research mining -%26gt; bronze working -%26gt; iron working. Use your warriors, archers, longbowmen, musketmen, machine guns, mechanized infantry for defence. Don't forget to build axemen in early ages, since they're good against every unit of ancient era. Take note of what units your opponent uses against you; for example, swordsmen aren't really useful when confronting axemen, meanwhile axemen, crossbowmen, macemen are effective against all melee units. In later ages, use grenadiers against riflemen, riflemen against cavalry, build infantry, machine guns and marines. Don't forget your air forces when in modern age. I suck at naval strategy though, sorry.

and one more thing: don't give up if somebody declares a war. Try to offer them a peace treaty as soon as possible and try to get through to modern age no matter what - it's where the real game begins!Civilization IV - Hints, Tips and general suggestions Please?

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